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Mandatory Gear
Mandatory Gear you must carry at all times:
Mobile Phone ( for photos and to call us if you need us )
Water Bottles or Bladders (capacity to carry 1 Litres of water)
Snake Compression Bandage (Minimum Dimensions 7.5cm Wide x 2.3m Long Unstretched)
Spare/backup light
Emergency Space Blanket
Cup (we do not have cups ion course)
Time Dependant Gear (Depending on Conditions)
Long Sleeve Synthetic Fleece Top
Waterproof and Breathable Jacket with Fully Taped.
Beanie or Buff.
Full-Fingered Lightweight Thermal Gloves (Polypropylene, Wool)
The mandatory gear required to carry may change if weather conditions are very cold or wet.
This decision can be made by the Race Director at any time.

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